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Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Where children never cry, but laugh and giggle with joy
Where best friends never lie, nor make your heart their toy

Where 'parents' is not a fraction, nor a memory quickly forgotten
Where love is not a reaction, a feeling, nor bun in the oven

Where no one has to fear, that call we all dreadfully fear
Where no one has to hear, the words, "I'm so sorry dear"

Where time really heals and in the end it's actually okay
Where joy never feels like a chance too risky to take

Where standing in the rain can remedy any hurt
Where love doesn't leave a stain or make you feel like dirt

Where this place exists, only God would know
Where everyone finds solace, this place . . .

 I call it home

First Name: C

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Written for WILDE poetry seminar and festival 2006. Women have been exposed to some of the worst atrocities meted out to humanity.

 Women Paid

Yes. Mother earth
We the women of the earth
Want you to bring to the attention
Of the world and,
Let them know that we paid.

Pay every day a child is created
Paid with the release of pure
Energy of love for its father,
 Or with the cry of hate and rage
 At the unwanted, wanton abuse
Of our bodies from men who
Assault them without our consent.

We release in your atmosphere
 A blessing of love or a curse of hate
 That keeps rumbling their energies
Down the annals of time that keep
Reproducing lovers or murders.

 Let the world know that we paid
When the child we have created seek to rip
Our bodies asunder in a bid to escape us.
While our cries echo in the universe
 Liberating energies of pain, we paid

We pay with smiles and sighs of joy
At the first cry of a triumphant entry
Of our sons and daughters into
A strange and unknown, world
Yes we paid you, by releasing to you
Love and joy.

Paid you with our flesh and blood
In your sewers,
In your bowels,
Creating soil,
That nourishes food,
Feeding all nations,
Continually paying,
 In the price of our blood and tears
Month after month
Year upon year
Mother earth,
Let the world know
We women paid!

 Soy Criada

Friday, October 4, 2013


Through all these years
I read your letters time and times again,
I searched them diligently for the words
I love you.
Eyes of doubt are blind to love
But now you are gone strange things happen
Until today they laid there all hidden the words I craved, 
I stared, dumbstruck and grief-stricken.
For there they were on every page
Screaming at me, I love you.
In so many doubts and fears
I did not see, I did not hear
Inequality is surely a robber.
Full of remorse and regret for the many
Tears you must have shed unknown,
Too proud to show or tell or let me know
How much the feelings,not knowing,
how the silent I love you hurt.
I could not on paper comprehend the “I love you",You said in so many other  different ways,
Because I was listening to hear from your lips  the magic, melodic, sound of, I Love you.
All these years I wondered what became of you
But too scared to know and deepen the hurt,? 
For myself or maybe even you, I’m not quite sure.
So I remain silent like you, and bore all the hurt.
But did I ever say I love you or was I just like you?
Putting them on Paper and in so many other different ways, but too afraid to speak the magic words and say "I love you"
For thirty five years I have not " laid eyes on you
Nor heard your voice, but saw you in every place I go
And all the people I meet, but most of all I live with
Part of you in the form of my thirty years old son.
Fate at times do play some very unkind games and tricks.
It gave him many of the qualities that were uniquely you.
Your height, your demeanor and even your profession  just as if he was your blood
You would have been proud to call him son.
I never stopped missing you although I have someone
I told you who loves me much more than you. 
 But today I met you on the internet
You had became old,  fat and grey.
But worst of all I saw that you are now dead.
Your obituary said you left to moan sisters and
brothers and the two sons I had already known,
It would have been less painful had it said a wife
And other sons, then I would be sure you did
Not travel your remaining thirty five years
Not sure how much you were indeed truly loved.
---------------------------------------- -----------------------
So today I will be like Pharaoh break my
 Vow of silence,and proclaim my love for you
Removing all the doubts of family and friends
I will speak your name, for this last time
 But to the dead it  has  no effect 
So  I ask my angel to ask  yours to
 Release me as I now releasing you
For Its time I truly love again.
 As I cannot forever remain 
Chained to your memory.
Soy Criada: in remembrance of my late friend Jasper Melbourne  Edwards Snr. (Ted)

Monday, August 26, 2013


Individuals must constantly seek to do God’s will Like King Johasophat, each of us should constantly put our trust in God. God desires our praise and so we must always give him praise and glory. ( 2 Chronicles 20:1-20).

To truly do the will of God one has to bring his body under his will so that God’s  Holy Spirit can dwell within  I t( 1st  Corin.6:19-20) Conforming to the will of God will enable one to do the things that are good, upright and just. This may not be easy but you must work hard at it as if you are striving to win the prize in a race, This prize” Eternal Life”.

 However, in trying to obtain the prize you must not be so overzealous with self-righteousness  

That you Trip and make your brother stumble along the track. 

443The mark of true mastery is to be temperate in all things.

Have Faith, Hope, and Charity are the marks of one’s trust in God. 

However, charity is the most powerful of all. 1 Corin. 13:13. Bear in mind that Charity that is done on the premise of rewards, or show is selfishness just as not giving charity at all. Charity can extend beyond materialistic gifts. It is anything or service given that will make the burden of the person in need lighter or his life brighter.  ( a helping hand, a kind deed .pertinent information. your presence, a gentle thought, a kind word, material  things, financial aid, etc.)

Never let this fact leave your mind that one chief duty on earth is to keep the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ,  if one does  Christ’s last and new commandment ( John 13,34-35) we will do good to others, and in cases where one is not able to so one must not do or speak badly to make matters worst.  This love commandment enables one to tell all about the Good news of Salvation.

 “ Lord help me speak the helping word and sweeten it with giving and drop it in some lowly vale to keep the echo ringing”



There are many different types of poetry. It comes in many types and genres.  AS with other writings, we must first understand the meani...