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Showing posts with label women struggles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label women struggles. Show all posts

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Written for WILDE poetry seminar and festival 2006. Women have been exposed to some of the worst atrocities meted out to humanity.

 Women Paid

Yes. Mother earth
We the women of the earth
Want you to bring to the attention
Of the world and,
Let them know that we paid.

Pay every day a child is created
Paid with the release of pure
Energy of love for its father,
 Or with the cry of hate and rage
 At the unwanted, wanton abuse
Of our bodies from men who
Assault them without our consent.

We release in your atmosphere
 A blessing of love or a curse of hate
 That keeps rumbling their energies
Down the annals of time that keep
Reproducing lovers or murders.

 Let the world know that we paid
When the child we have created seek to rip
Our bodies asunder in a bid to escape us.
While our cries echo in the universe
 Liberating energies of pain, we paid

We pay with smiles and sighs of joy
At the first cry of a triumphant entry
Of our sons and daughters into
A strange and unknown, world
Yes we paid you, by releasing to you
Love and joy.

Paid you with our flesh and blood
In your sewers,
In your bowels,
Creating soil,
That nourishes food,
Feeding all nations,
Continually paying,
 In the price of our blood and tears
Month after month
Year upon year
Mother earth,
Let the world know
We women paid!

 Soy Criada



There are many different types of poetry. It comes in many types and genres.  AS with other writings, we must first understand the meani...