Individuals must constantly seek to do God’s will Like
King Johasophat, each of us should constantly put our trust in God. God desires our praise
and so we must always give him praise and glory. ( 2 Chronicles 20:1-20).
To truly do the will of God one has to bring his body under his will so that God’s Holy Spirit can dwell within
I t( 1st Corin.6:19-20)
Conforming to the will of God will enable one to do the things that are
good, upright and just. This may not be easy but you must work hard at it
as if you are striving to win the prize in a race, This prize” Eternal Life”.
However, in trying
to obtain the prize you must not be so overzealous with self-righteousness
That you Trip and make your brother stumble
along the track.
443The mark of true mastery is to be temperate in all things.
Have Faith, Hope, and Charity are the marks of one’s trust in God.
However, charity is the most powerful of all. 1 Corin. 13:13. Bear in
mind that Charity that is done on the premise of rewards, or show is selfishness just as not giving charity at all. Charity can extend
beyond materialistic gifts. It is anything or service given that will make the
burden of the person in need lighter or his life brighter. ( a helping hand, a kind deed .pertinent
information. your presence, a gentle thought, a kind word, material things, financial aid, etc.)
let this fact leave your mind that one chief duty on earth is to keep the principles of the gospel
of Jesus Christ, if one does Christ’s last and new commandment ( John
13,34-35) we will do good to others, and in cases where one is not able to so one must not do or speak badly to make matters worst. This love commandment enables one to tell all about the Good news of Salvation.
“ Lord help me speak the helping word and
sweeten it with giving and drop it in some lowly vale to keep the echo ringing”